Osem drobnih energetskih nasvetov, ki imajo velik vpliv

Si želite živeti bolj trajnostno, a ne veste, kje začeti? Predstavljamo vam osem drobnih nasvetov, s pomočjo katerih lahko pomembno vplivate na svoj ogljični odtis in stroške porabe energije. Vsak korak šteje.  
View from beneath of the corner of a house with a clear night sky with stars above

Tip 1

Use LED bulbs instead of incandescent.

LED bulbs contain no mercury and have a much smaller environmental impact than incandescent ones. And for that reason LEDs also last up to 25 times longer – helping you save on energy, and on your electricity bill. 
A black washing machine with a laundry basket on the floor next to it.

Tip 2

Change your laundry settings.

Wait until you have a full load, and do your laundry on cold wash settings (even if the tag says warm). Not only does this extend the lifespan and vibrancy of clothing, it also saves most of the energy that would have been used to heat the water. By washing 4 out of 5 loads of laundry in cold water, you could cut out even more CO2 emissions in a year. 
Washing hanging on a line to dry

Tip 3

And skip the dryer.

If you can, air dry your clothes instead of using a dryer. Not only will this save energy, but it is also kinder on fabrics, making your clothes last longer.  
Charger laying unplugged on a leather surface

Tip 4

Unplug your chargers when you’re not using them.

Plugged in electronics, even when the device itself is off, can waste as much as 10% of your home’s energy. Every small step count, so pull that plug. 
 Close up of a person holding a cup with both hands, wearing a big knitted sweater.

Tip 5

Before you turn up the heat, put on a sweater.

Every degree counts. Simple and true. Save some energy by bundling up instead of relying on your thermostat. 
A window of a red house.

Tip 6

Seal air leaks.

Inspect your windows and doors for drafts. By sealing any leaks along joints and seams, you’ll both save energy and keep your home warm. 
Close up of a person’s hands writing on a laptop.

Tip 7

Manage power settings.

From laptops to tablets and other devices, check for energy saving power settings. It may seem trivial, but by not wasting any unnecessary energy, you can cut consumption and prolong battery life. Every small step counts. 
Two windmills on the crest of a green hill, with clouds and sunlight in the distance.

Tip 8

Switch to renewable electricity.

If you haven’t already, switching to a renewable electricity may be the best thing you could do to reduce your carbon footprint. This is often as simple as asking your electricity supplier for guidance, or doing a quick search for websites that compare electricity suppliers.